Had you asked me the same question one year ago, my answer would have been vastly different to the one I will give today. In the summer of 2012, with my first year of medical school completed, I embarked upon my last official summer vacation with two things in mind: a basketball tournament in Dallas and one in Atlanta. My closest friends and I had been playing in tournaments for the past 10 summers, and it was a sacred bond forged together in the name of competition. However, two weeks before our first tournament, I became instantly and overwhelmingly short of breath. Having been born to Korean immigrant parents, I was raised to utilize the hospital in emergency cases only, and I knew this was such a case. A few scans later, doctors discovered numerous pulmonary emboli (PE), caused by a subclavian deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and just like that, I was lying in a bed of a major hospital for a life threatening condition.
In short, I see the role of physicians in society as multifunctional: they are not only doctors who heal, they arealso leaders, innovators, social scientists, and patriots. Although my path to medical school has not always beenthe most direct, my varied and circuitous journey has given me a set of skills and experiences that many otherwisequalified applicants lack. I have no doubt that the next ten years will be similarly unpredictable, but I can assureyou that no matter what obstacles I face, my goal will remain the same. I sincerely hope to begin the next phase ofmy journey at Brown University. Thank you for your kind attention.
scholarship essays for medical school
Perhaps not surprisingly, I plan to return to Maine after residency. I want to raise a family and establish mymedical practice here. We certainly could use more doctors! Even though Maine is a terrific place to live, the stateis facing a significant doctor shortage. Today, we are meeting less than half of our need for primary careproviders. To make matters worse, many of our physicians are close to retirement age. Yet, according to the AAMC,only 53 Maine residents matriculated into medical school last year! Undoubtedly, Maine is in need of young doctorswho are committed to working long term in underserved areas. As my primary career goal is to return to my muchadored home state and do my part to help fill this need, I have a vested interest in learning more about ruralmedicine during medical school.
My citizenship will guide me to serve my community and to encourage my classmates and colleagues to do the same. Wewill be taught in medical school to be healers, scientists, and educators. I believe that, in addition, as studentsand as physicians, we have the responsibility to use our medical knowledge, research skills, and teaching abilitiesto benefit more than just our patients. We must also commit ourselves to improving the health and wellness of thoseliving in our communities by participating in public events (i.e by donating our medical services), lobbying forbetter access to healthcare for the underprivileged, and promoting wellness campaigns. As a medical student andeventual physician, my compassion, trustworthiness, and citizenship will drive me to improve the lives of as manyindividuals as I can.
Further experiences in medicine throughout and after college shaped a desire to practice in underserved areas. Whilecoloring and reading with children in the patient area at a Family Health Center, I witnessed family medicinephysicians diligently serve patients from low-income communities. On a medical/dental mission trip to thePhilippines, I partnered with local doctors to serve and distribute medical supplies to rural schools andcommunities. At one impoverished village, I held a malnourished two-year old boy suffering from cerebral palsy andcardiorespiratory disease. His family could not afford to take him to the nearest pediatrician, a few hours away bycar, for treatment. Overwhelmed, I cried as we left the village. Many people were suffering through pain and diseasedue to limited access to medicine. But this is not rare; there are many people suffering due to inadequateaccess/accessibility around the world, even in my hometown. One physician may not be able to change the status ofunderserved communities, however, one can alleviate some of the suffering.
Children have been a common thread in my pursuit of medicine, from perceiving medicine through child-like eyes tointeracting daily with children in a medical office. My diverse experiences in patient interaction and the practiceof medicine inspire me to become a physician, a path that requires perseverance and passion. Physicians arelife-long learners and teachers, educating others whether it is on vaccinations or various diseases. This vocationalso requires preparation, and I eagerly look forward to continually learning and growing in medical school andbeyond.
Dr. Shirag Shemmassian is the Founder of Shemmassian Academic Consulting and well-known expert on college admissions, medical school admissions, and graduate school admissions. For nearly 20 years, he and his team have helped thousands of students get into elite institutions.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, doctors are among the highest paid professionals, earning over $200,000 per year on average. However, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics, the average medical school student will also accumulate roughly $250,000 in student loan debt. So, while doctors can expect to earn a high salary, many prospective medical students must rely heavily on medical school scholarships to finance their education.
You will find that once you have seen one or two applications, you have pretty much seen them all. Usually they are one or two pages asking where you are going to school, what you are going to major in and why you think you deserve the scholarship. Some scholarship sources require that you join their organization. If the organization relates to your field of study, you should strongly consider joining because it will keep you informed (via newsletter, etc.) about developments in that field.
Some scholarship essays may be for specific organizations like nonprofits and companies that want to help students pay for college. Other scholarship essays are for specific colleges and universities that offer merit scholarships to incoming first year students. Whatever the case, a strong scholarship essay is an important way to distinguish yourself from other students in the scholarship review process.
Essays -- including Scholarship essays -- are especially important as more and more colleges go "test-optional" and do not require students to submit ACT or SAT scores. For test-optional colleges, essays become even more important parts of the admissions and oftentimes, the merit scholarship selection process. Note that every college is different and some test-optional colleges may still require test scores for merit aid. It is always best to double-check each college's specific policy to be sure.
Keep on reading to see three awesome examples of scholarship essays that worked with expert analysis on why they worked. Afterward, we will recap some of the best practices that you can use when you are writing your own scholarship essays.
To apply for the scholarship, you must submit an original essay of up to 1,500 words that describes how medical equipment technology has changed the face of a college course and curriculum. Entries can also include a look toward the future and how this area of study will continue to evolve and advance.
You are probably already thinking about how you are going to write your own scholarship essays! Feel free to refer back to these scholarship essay examples and the analysis as you continue to write your essays. Below are some tips to help you write scholarship essays that will connect with scholarship essay readers.
Find scholarships that are aligned to your experiences, interests, and background! The more specifically aligned the scholarship is to you, the better the chance that you will have to win. Ultimately the scholarship committee is looking to support a specific type of student for their scholarship and you will want your story and voice to come through. Starting your scholarship writing process with scholarships that are aligned to your interests, experiences, and background is the best way to ensure that your essays can be as personal as possible.
For more info about college admission and scholarship essays and interviews, sign up for self-paced courses and our award-winning StoryBuilder writing platform FREE. Want to stay up to date on the latest tips and resources? Follow us @story2 on Instagram!
Will Geiger is co-founder of Scholarships360.org. A graduate of Wake Forest and Penn, Will was previously Senior Assistant Director of Admissions at Kenyon College where he personally reviewed over 10,000 admissions applications and essays and oversaw the merit aid program; Associate Director of College Counseling at a high school in New Haven, Connecticut; and Marketing Manager at Story2.
To get the most of this highly desirable aid, students can take advantage of a few expert-recommended strategies to make their application stand out. Below are a few tips for writing scholarship essays that pack a punch.
The key to a successful scholarship essay is making it personal, experts say, and including impactful details. An essay that feels genuine and offers insights into who the applicant is on a deeper level will stand out in a crowd of academic essays that may be boring for readers who review hundreds and sometimes thousands of applications.
Scholarships awarded by the Pride Foundation, for example, require an application that involves multiple essays in which students are asked to describe themselves, what they plan to study and the kinds of work they hope to do. The social justice-focused philanthropic foundation aims to support the LGBTQ community in the Northwest region and awards more than 60 scholarships for any accredited postsecondary school or program, according to its website. 2ff7e9595c