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Lil Bow Wow-Beware of Dog full album zip: The complete tracklist and lyrics of the album


You're all missing the point...this is about living! Pastor, his wife, and his family, have to figure out how to live their lives in light of God's standard.I'm glad that truth has stepped in to their lives to relieve the pressured sepsis of "moral failure," so that we can watch the truth of God's living Word, and living Church, lovingly help them through these times. As for the atheist comment, there is no hypocrisy all have fallen short of the glory of God. That said, God never changes! We're all figuring how to live our lives out in a time when all (and I mean, ALL) around us is falling apart - our government, our state, our education, our safety, and yes, our leaders. And yet, there's hope! As we come upon the reason for Christmas, Christ came so that we may be forgiven of our moral, character, and ethical failures, to be individually empowered to fight off sin (which includes self-righteousness) while successfully loving our neighbors, resulting in living with other saints eternally with God. Again, it's about living ;-)

Lil Bow Wow-Beware of Dog full album zip

Pastor Shepphard, thank you so much for all of your messages. YOu have no idea how many of your sermons have touched my life so powerfully and made me a stronger woman in my walk with God. I am so blessed to have heard of your teachings, and I am saddened to hear of the news that you have stepped down due to "moral failure." I commend you for acknowledging your mistakes -- whatever that is-- and I pray for God to begin a journey of healing and reconciliation in your's and your family's life.

It was a shocking news but we are all sinner. We are living in a world that full of temptation. Satan is using every weapon to destroy the church and God's people. Let's stay strong and not to condemn Pastor Paul. Love cover multiple of sin. And we believe in God, not human being. God is trust worthy and righteous. Let's continue to pray for Pastor Paul and his family for healing and restoration.

Has anyone stopped to realize that this happens to numerous pastors and members and most will be held acocuntable by their elders and continue to teach after 6 months or so. This man was known in all 52 states and has a congregation of almost 7,000 and a radio ministry and on the board of directors of NRRB. He made the decesion, not his elders, to resign and restore his marriage after realizing after some time that he could not work on it fully becuase of the busyness of all God has called him to do. That is honarable. I am no way condoning whatever happened; as far as were concerned it could of been a emotional affair. Nevertheless, he left everything for his marriage. Trust me most churhces would of welcomed him back in a year after he got his marriage back to where it needed to be. Lets just pray. BTW... Why would you give people details. People only want details to be nosy and spread the gossip. Would details make members feel beter, no it was a moral failure; thats all you need to know. What do you want to do interview the people involved? Think about it, the man is ashamed and hurt. I dont know very many men of God that would give up all that to make sure their marriage was saved and sustained. Oh and his wife forgave him. Thats what matter most.

"Have mercy upon me, O GOD, According to Your loving kindness; According to Your tender mercies. Blot out my transgressions." Psalms 51:1 remember this spoken from David? He sinned with Bathsheba and had her husband killed. GOD in his infinite mercy and wisdom restored and forgave David, declaring that David was the man after GOD'S own heart.See GOD said; "The sacrifices of GOD are a BROKEN SPIRIT, a BROKEN and a CONTRITE (repentant) HEART- these, O GOD, You will not despise.Psalms 51:17Father in the name of Jesus Christ we thank you for the years Pastor Paul poured Your WORD onto the flock entrusted to him. We thank you even now for this fall. As a result of this fall HE WILL be restored with greater power and anointing. We are reminded of David a man after your own heart. He too fell from grace into sin. BUT GOD! You forgave. You are a forgiving GOD. One who takes and cast our sin as far as the east is from the west and you remember them no more. Thank you! Forgive us for judging Pastor Paul. Thank you for his heart that lay open before you broken and repentant.You stated in your word. "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness considering yourself lest you also be tempted." Key words here are "you who are spiritual, in a spirit of gentleness" We can not restore Pastor Paul is we our self are not spiritual. Then GOD tells us in what manner to restore. The word continues on to give us the consequences if we do not restore. "Considering yourself lest you also be tempted" GOD is so good, HE tells us how.v2 "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Bear meaning carry or endure. Fulling the law of Christ means to love your neighbor (Pastor Paul) as your self. Would you want to be forgiven, not judged or ridiculed? How would you want to be treated?v3For if anyone (that's you!)thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing (we are all saved by the same grace) he deceives himself.v4But let each one (that's you!) EXAMINE HIS OWN WORK, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in ANOTHER.v5 For each one shall bear his own load. (TAKE HEED LEST YOU FALL)Pastor Paul, is a man who gave up the ministry, church for the sake of his relationship with his wife (I love you Meredith, blessed woman of GOD). Just as GOD gave up his life for the church (HIS WIFE). This will signify a truly repented heart. This man has put 20 years of service, was well known and affected the lives of many people. It was not an easy decision, a much agonizing one I am sure. But the mans heart was broken, with true repentance. My prayer is for full restoration and fellowship back into the ministry.satan, in the name of Jesus. We serve notice on you, GOD's will be done on earth at ALCF as it is in heaven. There is now NO CONDEMNATION to those who are in Christ Jesus, we hide our self under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY. He alone is our refuge and fortress. In HIM we PUT our TRUST. JESUS CHRIST will deliver us from your snare as we take shelter under HIS wings. Every assignment sent against the body of Christ is canceled by the blood of the redeeming lamb. Every decree, principalities, powers, territorial demonic forces, demonic plants sent against the body of ALCF is destroyed and nailed to the cross of Calvary. You have been disarmed by the power of the BLOOD. Every Jezebel spirit, perverse spirit, greed, seducing spirit, lust spirit you are bound and cast into outer darkness. You are further commanded to never return. Father we ask for your angelic host to surround Pastor Paul, his family and ALCF. Minister your love. Release you glory of prayer, true worship and praise. Take what satan has meant of evil and turn to your good. May ALCF be a light in the community of the word of GOD. Let all see that it was the word which of GOD on which the church was built. You said; "In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD. It was the word in Pastor Paul, the WORD spoken that built ALCF. "Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will NOT PREVAIL. We declare it to be so LORD JESUS. AMEN!II Corthinans 7:1 "Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting HOLINESS in the fear of GOD".Clean your own homes. Do not allow gossip regarding this matter to infect your spiritual temple and give permission for satan to attack YOU!BTW

As alyways, the God that created the universe, and the hydrogen that He used in the big bang, is using the public amplification of another fallen sinner to speak to His people. Paul Shepards sin is drawing from the shadows an umbelieviable amount of attention from athiests, homosexuals, & pagan witches. This is a chance to give you all fair warning. Repent of your sin and call on Jesus to save your soul from eternity in Hell seperated from God. The real Satan has emboldened you wicked people to throw stones, and cry hypocrite in the streets as if your own filthy sin isn't seen by Go because Paul Shepard decided to love sin like you do. Nor Cal is the most full of itself place on the planet, Does the clay question the hands that mold it? There is nothing new under the sun, & just because you question The existence of God in your hard rebellious hearts does not change the proven fact that you are Created in His very own image. He gave you freewill to choose because God is love, and He wanted relationship with His highest creation. He could make you love Him, but there would be no real relationship. Paul Shepard may be able to reach more of you now than ever before by showing himself to be as wicked as His generation. Selfishness, greed, lust, idolotry will be what this whole area is remembered for after the Lord comes back to kill all of those who are caught in their sin

Hello,I think of all the comments posted here, I am most sad over "former" Abundant Life attendees. To be honest, I can deal with "spatula" and his atheist crew, but the former members of Abundant Life who are posting attacks on this church (the body of Christ) and your former Pastor, Paul Sheppard only shows your lack of character. How do you sleep at night with your heart full of "criticism" and "hatred?" I do not need to defend Abundant Life, for that is not my job. I will not stand by and let your divisive comments on here remain unchallenged. I'm sorry that you feel that you had to leave. That was your choice. Search yourself. Why this joy over someone is obviously in pain and a congregation in pain. Those who rejoice over those downtrodden are folks with "low self esteem" and a "low view of themselves." I hope that in time and when you FAIL or are humiliated, you don't receive the treatment you're giving out. This post is to all former members who are using this time to criticize and not emphathize. 2ff7e9595c


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