ANSYS Products 2013 32 / 64 Bit is an imposing application which is used for solving complex problems instantly. It has been equipped with an efficient single window workflows and patent-pending advanced meshing technology which is used for the computational fluid dynamics. The simulation-driven product development has taken the engineering simulation to a whole new level. You can also download ANSYS Products 19.2.
meshing in ansys 14 crack
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In the meshing log, you will find the statistical results of your generated mesh. These results will be mentioned as mesh metrics and these metrics will differ depending on the mesh type. It is worth keeping in mind that we need to monitor these values because it will affect the result of the simulation. Below are values that can be used as a best practice reference on when to check and improve your mesh quality:
The meshing log might report a bad mesh quality. This is usually bad news but does not necessarily mean that the mesh is inconvenient to use. If there are only a few elements that have bad quality, and if those elements are not at the inlet or outlet boundaries, probably the simulation will still work all right.
In this study, mixed mode-I/III fatigue crack propagation is examined experimentally and numerically by using spherical porous cylindrical specimen. The crack propagation path, profiles of crack front, the differences of stress intensity factors (SIF) and equivalent SIF were computed by Ansys, FCPAS and Solidworks softwares and compared with experimental data. Modeling, meshing and problem solving were performed using ANSYS, and the resulting SIF and equivalent SIF along the crack front were calculated using FCPAS. Two digital cameras were used to observing the crack growth path and fractured surfaces on specimen under mixed mode loading and the obtained images was converted into 3D CAD data by using Solidworks software. It was found that good agreements are achieved between the results of the experiment and simulation, considering both evolving the crack propagation paths and crack front.